Dunnville is located at the mouth of the Grand River as it empties into Lake Erie. Located on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabek peoples, this land is rich in resources, including the most amazing wildlife and nature along the river and in the wetlands. These provide homes for Blue Herons, Bald Eagles, King Fishers, Red Tailed Hawks, Wild Turkeys, Turkey Vultures.
Dunnville is part of Haldimand County while maintaining a distinct identity. Dunnville is rich in the arts, music, sports, and history.
Home to the Mudcat Festival, River Arts Festival, Mudcat Marathon, Farmer’s market, and the Dunnville Airport, Dunnville has many options for dining and connecting with folks. The walkways, the Grand River, and Lake Erie make Dunnville a “great place on the Grand”.