Programs & Services

Inpatient Unit

Our 35 bed unit encompasses Medical, Surgical, Surgical Day Care and Long Term Care. Several years ago, the nursing staff embarked on cross training to enable them to provide quality care to a diverse patient population. This process is ongoing. We enjoy supportive relationships with our Tertiary Centre and other area hospitals.

Medical care includes two constant care beds plus four telemetry beds. A large majority of the RN staff is trained in Advanced Cardiac Life Support including defibrillation certification. Regular re-certification sessions are offered on-site to both medical and nursing staff.

A dedicated General Surgeon services our Surgical beds.

Patient goal identification and realistic plans for attainment take place at regular multidisciplinary team conferences. An integrated charting system including bedside charting ensures the most current patient information is readily available to the entire team.

Pharmaceutical supplies are reviewed regularly by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee through the combined efforts of Pharmacy, Medical and Nursing staff. Quality patient care remains our focus, thus requests are rarely denied. Computerized printouts provide physicians with a current medication list on the patient chart.

The Surgical Day Care unit is utilized daily, for both Surgical and Diagnostic procedures. A multi-departmental pre admission program provides our clients with preoperative preparation.

Long Term Care serves a variety of community needs such as Chronic, Palliative, Respite and Transitional care. The role of family stands in high regard in this area. The importance of activation is recognized and is aptly led by a 5 day/week Activity Coordinator.